Hack the New Normal

Creating digital solutions to cope with the “new normal” in a post-COVID world

CIS4Good 2022

CIS4Good 2022 is a semester-long hackathon for students in the Computer Information Systems (CIS) Capstone course taught by Prof. Guido Lang at Quinnipiac University that focuses on creating digital solutions for social impact. Students work autonomously in Scrum teams and integrate everything they learned in the CIS program to build production-ready web or mobile applications.

The theme of CIS4Good 2022 was “Hack the New Normal.” As the COVID pandemic has caused massive changes in everyoneʼs daily lives, many people have found themselves struggling to adjust. Students were asked to ideate and develop digital solutions to help people cope with living in this new normal. A total of 9 teams competed, students selected two finalists, and a panel of judges selected the winner in May 2022.

10 Weeks

Students have 10 weeks to complete the CIS4Good Hackathon


Students establish their own goals and work processes

Capstone Course

The CIS4Good Hackathon is part of the CIS capstone course at QU

Digital Solutions

Students develop production-ready web or mobile apps

Social Problems

Students identify and solve pressing social problems

Expert Judges

A panel of expert judges selects the winner

Winner: Hygge

By Yasmine Dubuisson, Noah Gilbert, Morgan Paul, Chase Powell

Runner-Up: Squatter

By Julian DeStephen, Mike Redican, Jake Simon, Christina Furgal

The Contestants

Harmony app icon
HealthDeck app icon
InstantCope app icon
QU Health app icon
QU Health
TestTracker app icon
VenYou app icon
WorkSpace app icon

The Judges

Sofia Bayne
Sofia Bayne

Principal Security Strategic Consultant at Hanover Insurance

Sheila McCarthy
Sheila McCarthy

Senior Director, Solution Management and Enterprise Information Management at SAP

Andrew McDermott
Andrew McDermott

Lead IT Application Analyst at Duke Energy

Placeholder Image
Angel Robles

Head of Solution Delivery - Tech Shared Services at AXA XL